History 8-1, Assignment Five, The Build Up to the Revolutionary War


Assignment Five
Colonial Resistance Grows

Deadline, TBA, 160 points

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What events contributed to the growing split between Britain and the American colonies prior to the Revolutionary War?

How did the Patriots and others who advocated for a break from Britain use those events to further their cause?

How does propaganda affect the ways in which people see the events around them?

Washington crossing the Delaward



During the colonial period, Americans began to develop views of their lives and their place in the world. They expressed their views in a variety of ways. For this lesson we are going to look at some of what they told us about their world.


Students will identify and explain the conditions of, and actions related to, the colonists in the years immediately following the French and Indian War.

Essential questions

How were the colonists in America developing changing world views?

Special instructions




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